Doug Stenberg Ministries Teachings

My teachings are not simply to present Bible truth, but to help open to you the personal relationship that God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit want to have with you for God loves you!

Jesus is salvation for the whole man. “Saved” means to be brought to a place of safety, being set free, healing, deliverance and restoration. All Jesus has done for us through his death on the cross and his resurrection has provided for us healing and restoration in every way; for body, mind, and spirit as well as our finances and relationships.

I Peter 2:24 states, “Who Himself (Jesus) bore our sins in His own body on the tree (cross), that we, having died to our sins, might live to righteousness by whose stripes (wounds) we were healed." Hear this, "you were healed". He is not going to heal you, he already has! All we can do is see this and receive by faith and begin to thank him for having healed us! This salvation is for your every need, for the whole man.

Isaiah 53, this chapter is prophecy about the coming Messiah, Jesus our Lord and savior. Hear verses 4-6,"Surely He has borne our diseases and carried our sicknesses: yet we esteemed Him stricken and smitten by God and afflicted. But, he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon him, and by his stripes we are healed. All we like sheep have gone astray. We have turned, everyone, to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all." Jesus in his love for you took the stripes to provide for your every need.

I have below six foundational teachings from God’s word and will add more, later.

“The good news of eternal life”, is my testimony about receiving Jesus Christ as my Savior. Before that I was an atheist with some doubts about the nonexistence of God. Fear of death drove me to the hope and reality of life after death in Jesus. In this teaching I share God’s plan for you and every person. I lay this out by sharing many Scriptures from God’s word that the Lord wants us to understand as we come to receive him and his salvation. I also share how to pray and receive him. Personal application is found in each teaching of how to approach Jesus and received from him his provision for you.

“Salvation: healing for the whole man”, came about as my mom was sharing what she was taking for the many sicknesses she was fighting. While she was sharing I heard the Holy Spirit speak to me on the inside saying “You write her a prescription.” I knew in my spirit what he meant. It is so exciting when God speaks to you and tells you something and you have the knowledge of how to go about it as well as what he wants you to say even without him saying it. Over the next few weeks I gathered together Scriptures on healing and God’s provision from his word. In gathering these promises from God what I discovered was a fuller understanding of what Jesus did for us on the cross. He established the New Covenant through his blood and sacrifice and death on the cross of Calvary. This is his provision of love and power to restore every area of man’s brokenness! Oh, how he loves us! He not only came to save us from sin, self and Satan, but to give us his life and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, enabling us to live in faith, love and power and ultimately make heaven where we will see Jesus face to face!

“The baptism with the Holy Spirit”, is about something so crucial to our lives and ministry, Jesus commanded his disciples to stay in Jerusalem until they were endued with power from on high! This was their personal Pentecost, empowering them in this baptism of love from Jesus to go forth and help others to come to know Jesus and how to walk in the God kind of faith! Through the baptism of the Holy Spirit the gifts of the spirit are open to us to do the same ministry Jesus has done. How exciting is that!

“The gifts of the spirit”, as well as the baptism of the Holy Spirit many Christians are afraid of. We tend to fear what we do not understand. When Jesus is providing us something is that anything to be afraid of? Speaking in tongues is the one gift that is given more than any other for its purpose is to edify the individual believer from the Holy Spirit himself. These gifts are the abilities of God that he gives to us for our needs to be met and for doing the work of his ministry as he directs.

“Understanding the gift of speaking in tongues”, has been fought, misrepresented, miss understood and put down by many believers. Why, because they are fearful and uncomfortable when God moves supernaturally. When God moves supernaturally man’s not in control. Trusting God whom we cannot see is a struggle for many, besides the flesh likes to be in control and is uncomfortable when the control is moved into the hands of God. Fear ultimately comes from the devil who hates God and those created in his image. Satan does not want the Saints walking in the power of the Holy Spirit. So he has fought this hard as well as all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. But let me tell you personally, speaking in tongues has transformed my walk with Jesus in many ways! I have more joy, more love and I have fun loving Jesus and those for whom he died!

“Christian warfare”, almost sounds like an oxymoron, but is vital to walking the in the victorious life that is ours in Jesus. We are to put on the full armor of God to stand against all the powers of the enemy. Jesus came to heal all who are oppressed by the devil. Jesus did deliverance on many who had demons. Today the word exorcism is used and means the same as deliverance. I went through deliverance back in 1971. The Lord told me after that he was going to use me to help many in the same way he helped me. But the whole topic of deliverance and exorcism in the name of Jesus is not opened in this teaching but will be dealt with in a future teaching. Here I primarily deal with Satan’s outward attacks and temptations against us. Learning this and how to resist the devil and his temptations will bring victory that few Christians ever know!

Jesus' ministry brings to us salvation, healing, deliverance and his power through the baptism of the Holy Spirit to faithfully live this Christian life and follow him for his plans for each of us. The accurate understanding of the Word of God is the work of the Holy Spirit, who opens all this truth for us. I strive for that understanding and offer all that follows from my heart to you.

Any questions you may have or prayer needs, be free to contact me. I will respond. Have a blessed day!

In His Love,


Printed Teachings:

Video Teachings:

The Good News of Eternal Life

Salvation: Healing for the Whole Man

The Baptisim With The Holy Spirit

The Gifs of the Spirit

Understanding the Gifts of Tongues

Christian Warfare

My Testimony

You May Know You Have Etermal Life


Audio Links

We'll plan on putting our audio links here.