Please feel free to reach out with any prayers, concerns or anything that's on your heart.

Let me hear from you. I will do my best to get back to you. I really work at this. Across the years I have served 16 church families over 40+ years. I have given them opportunities during our evening services especially to ask questions at times. If I did not have an answer I would research it for a week and come back the next Sunday with what I found in my studies.

Therefore, any questions you have or whatever is on your mind such as, ”what must I do to be saved? ”, or anything else that is on your heart please let me know and we will visit.

Jesus Christ came to open godly prosperity for our every need. His salvation is for everyone, for he loves us! Across the centuries God sent his profits to prophesy into our lives to help us understand how much he loves us and what he has for us. God is still doing this today.

We're looking forward to hearing from you! Don't wait, reach out today!

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Doug Stenberg Ministries

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