About Doug Stenberg Ministries

In Janurary, 1970 under the ministry of a friend, Charles Williams, I started reading the New Testament for the first time. I got a basic idea of who Jesus is. March 25,1970 about 9:00 PM in Charles' home following an Easter revival service, we had a time of prayer where a chair was set in the middle of the living room. Anyone that wanted prayer sat down and everyone would gather around and lay their hands on you to pray.

The chair opened up and no one was moving so I sat down. Thirty minutes later I asked Jesus to forgive me of all of my sins and I invited Him to come into my life as my Savior. And He did! I knew I had eternal life, I knew Jesus was God and was real and I knew every word in the Bible was true and from God! That was my beginning. I was saved and filled with Spirit all at the same time.
Jesus called me into full time ministry and planted me into the United Methodist Church, where I served for 29 years. In February, 2003 Jesus asked me to retire from the Methodist Church and begin a new work in Albany, Texas.

Across the the years I have shared the many things Jesus has done for me and taught me and I have been a pastor, teacher, preacher and a prophet at times.

Jesus at the beginning of the summer, 2012, put it on my heart to share him in a new way, for me, through a web site. I will share the truth Jesus has taught me across the years from His Word, the Bible, in written, audio and video form. I love Jesus and want to share Him with you.

I got my Bachelor of Arts from McMurry University in Abilene, Texas, 1972 - 1975. Then I got my Masters at Asbury Seminary in Wilmore , Kentucky, 1975 - 1978. I have learned most of what I have come to know sitting at the feet of Jesus! Let me share what He has done for me, for He will do the same for you and more!


Very few believers understand faith. A measure of faith is given to every new Christian. We grow our faith and mature our faith as we get into the study of the Bible, God’s word. Faith comes to us as the Holy Spirit opened the truth to us. When we receive understanding from the Holy Spirit our faith is increased. Faith matures and grows strong as we exercise our faith.

The faith we receive is the God kind of faith which is empowered by love and is directed by God’s word for what faith is supposed to do as the Holy Spirit opens that to our understanding. God cannot give us any other kind of faith but the God kind of faith! As I said this kind of faith is empowered by love because it comes from the God of love. In the book of James we are told faith that is alive will have works, which is the doing of God’s word. Faith at its best is a love and trust relationship with Jesus. If we love him we will keep his commandments and teachings. This does not prove our love to God but is a natural overflow of the God kind of love in our relationship with the Lord. Through the prayer of faith God brings salvation, healing and restoration for man’s brokenness. The heart of faith is walking and talking relationship with have with God! When we walk in live this way it pleases God!


In the future I will provide a more in-depth teaching about faith.


I have mentioned being used as a prophet at times. The first time the Holy Spirit gave me a word of prophecy to speak out in a discussion group one night cause a faith battle in me. I remember thinking what if I make a mistake, but if I don’t speak this out I will quenched the spirit and rob someone of their blessing. I felt like my heart was in my throat. I pushed the fear aside and spoke what was on the inside of me. The message was received well. That was my beginning and it came easier after that. I shared a word of prophecy with a sister in the faith one evening. The next morning she went down to the bank and signed a note for $50,000. If I had known that I would have quenched the spirit. As a result she used that to start a trucking business hauling water and provided a great living for her and her children for many years. Thank you Jesus!


Ministry is making yourself available to be used by God to bring healing and help to those for whom Jesus died. God loves you! Jesus loves you! That’s why he came. Psalm 103:2 – 3,” O my soul, and forget none of his benefits: who forgives all our sins, who heals all our diseases…!” That’s our Jesus!